Local News

Shelbyville City Council to hear parks fee plan

Monday evening, the Shelbyville Common Council is due to take up the issue of levying a fee on new home construction to help fund the city parks.


Last week, the city's Plan Commission unanimously OK'd the idea.

Lehmam & Lehman Inc., a consultant in Mishawaka, developed the “parks impact fee” proposal.


The firm concluded a fee of $1,005 per new home would be needed to offset the impact new residents would have on the city's parks.  Chuck Lehman, president of the consulting firm, told GIANT FM the fee would apply to all new homes built in the city, including those built by people already living in Shelbyville.


The City Council could vote on the parks impact fee at tonight's meeting which begins at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall, 44 W. Washington St.



