Local News

Shelbyville Street Department yard waste truck begins operations April 15

The City of Shelbyville Street Department will begin operating its yard waste truck on April 15


Yard waste is defined as material that is a by-product of maintaining a resident's yard - grass clippings, small twigs and branches, leaves, weeds.  


Yard waste must be in a container clearly marked "yard waste" or in paper lawn and garden sacks.

Yard waste cannot be collected in plastic bags.  Yard waste will be collected on resident's trash days. Please set out by 7:00am


"YARD WASTE" stickers can be purchased at the Street Department for $2.00 each.


Long twigs or ornamental grasses can be bundled together with twine for easier collection.


If residents have longer branches (4- 8 feet in length) and are in need of the chipper service, call the office or email me to get on the department's chipper list.



