Local News

Ordinance on downtown project prompts debate on process, transparency in Shelbyville Common Council meeting (meeting audio)

An ordinance before the Shelbyville Common Council Monday morning prompted a debate on the transparency of the proposed downtown revitalization project.


Ordinance 19 – 2871 – Planned Unit Development (PUD) for Hamilton Major Place was presented by the city’s Planning and Building Director Adam Rude, Tom Davis of Genesis Property Development and Chris King of Runnebohm Construction.


Audio from the Shelbyville Common Council chambers:



Questions, debate on the topic and the process involving the project featuring Councilman Brad Ridgeway, Mayor Tom DeBaun, Planning and Building Director Adam Rude, and Councilman Brian Asher.


Audio from the Shelbyville Common Council chambers:



Ordinance 19 - 2871 was approved with Brad Ridgeway voting against the ordinance.



