Local News

Appeal to be scheduled in Shelbyville officer's demotion

A Shelbyville Police officer is expected to appeal a demotion decision handed down by the Shelbyville Board of Public Works and Safety.


City attorney Jennifer Meltzer informed the board Tuesday that she had been contacted by an attorney for the officer and that an appeal was anticipated.  A date for the hearing was to be scheduled, possibly sometime in the next two or three weeks.


Former Chief Detective for the department, Clifford Coffman, was demoted for a disciplinary matter.  Coffman was demoted for neglect of duty and disobedience of orders for not following a directive by Deputy Chief Jamie Kolls.  Kolls ordered Coffman iin December to supervise a murder investigation.  Coffman took the rest of the year off.


Board member David Finkel was absent as the board voted 2-0 to demote Coffman.







