Local News

Red truck damages local Dairy Queen

An elderly man lost control of his red Chevrolet truck Tuesday afternoon and plowed into Dairy Queen, 1614 E. Michigan Road, in Shelbyville.


The man was not injured in the accident. He was trying to park on the west side of the Dairy Queen when he lost control of the vehicle.


The only employee inside the Dairy Queen at the time also was not injured.


Dairy Queen manager Holly Reed had already been in contact with the company’s district manager and the owner of the local ice cream place when she talked with the Shelby County Post.


“We are going to have to get someone out here to assess (the building),” she said. “Hopefully we will get this figured out.”


The west side foundation along the front of the building took the brunt of the blow from the truck. All of the glass along the front of the building where orders were taken was destroyed.


The menu sign was knocked loose and hanging.


“This is crazy and right before our peak season,” said Reed.



