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Superintendent working diligently to fill several certified teaching vacancies within Shelbyville Central Schools

With just under three weeks until the first day of school for Shelbyville Central Schools students, the school corporation still has four teaching openings to fill at Shelbyville High School.

On Wednesday at the school corporation’s board meeting, SCS Superintendent Dr. Matt Vance was granted permission to hire teachers as needed before the school board’s next scheduled meeting in August.

“It’s daily process. If you hear of any districts right now not looking for teachers, I want to know who they are,” said Vance after the meeting. “We are all dealing with it. As of this moment, and I am hesitant to say, our (elementary schools) are in good shape in terms of certified staff. Our middle school is in good shape in terms of certified staff. At the high school, We have an English position, a Science position, a Math position … this happens every year. In July, there are always changes taking place in districts. There is always this last push, so to speak, new hires and teachers leaving districts. It is not uncommon late in the summer to have some movement.

“We knew some of that could be coming and we do the best we can. We will look at options if we can’t fill those positions right away, what do we need to do and what will those classes look like. The bottom line is we work very hard to make sure our students have the best opportunities they can and that is what we are dedicated to doing.”



Vance also updated the board on the ongoing installment of artificial turf at the football stadium at Shelbyville High School. Installing the turf is the next step in the process but that turf has not yet arrived at McKeand Stadium.

“It’s pretty much ready. It’s just a matter of with weather and crews, we are waiting for them to tell us when they can have a crew here with the turf,” said Vance. “We are going to have a meeting later this week to get an updated timeline. The bottom line is we said Aug. 1 all along was our target. We knew that would give us a little buffer.”

The goal is to have the turf project complete before the high school football season starts so the Golden Bears will have time to practice on the new surface.

Shelbyville football opens the 2023 season on Aug. 18 at Greensburg. The home opener on the new turf is scheduled for Aug. 25 against Rushville.

The new track will not be completed until later in the fall, according to Vance.

From the Personnel Report:

  • Resignations were accepted for a SHS math teacher, language arts teacher and a business teacher as well a Shelbyville Middle School language arts teacher and a guidance counselor

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